"A Father Killed His Daughter After Raping Her "

An awful crime that no one could believe it happened in Amman, and was disapproved by all who heard about it. "Grasa News" journal published the full details of this brutal crime in Zarqa Governorate under the title of  "A father killed his daughter and her fetus from him".

According to a trusted source, this father who called "Maged Abdel Halim" who is 48 years old, works as a carpenter. He used to seduce his young daughter "Badeaa"who is 15 years old, and he tried to exercise sexual harassment on her at that time. The source added that as an innocent child she could not stop or resist her father and by force he made sex with her. The poor child lost her virginity after the first meeting with her father and she went and told her mother about what happened, but because of the monster they are living with, the wife could not do any thing to him and she did not face him and she remained silent fearing him. After the husband knew that his wife knows what happened between him and his daughter, he hit her several times and threatened her by divorce if she revealed it.

According to the source, the father kept on having sex with his daughter for the last five years, and he prevent her from going outside or talking to anybody. She only goes to school till she reached the high school. This monster was able to avoid the pregnancy of his daughter, but she indeed get pregnant and told her mother who started to cry and scream and she told her husband about this scandal.

The devilish father wanted to get rid of the embryo, so searched for ways of doing apportion on the internet. When he found the way through a surgery, he went to a pharmacy and bought a sterile material for wounds, In addition he bought surgical instruments like gauze and cotton, and before that he bought sleeping pills. The carpenter turned into a surgeon. He used a sharp scalpel and slit his daughter's stomach and get the fetus in a wrong and primitive way. He then stitching her stomach in a very stupid way and threw the remaining of the fetus in the garbage.

When he came back he found his daughter bleeding too much blood and died. The mother woke up to find this scene in front of her, so she screamed hysterically  and the neighbours awoke out of her voice. They called  the security and civil defense to take the body to the hospital and arrest the criminal father who collapsed and did not deny the crime who has committed with his sick soul.

The newspaper knew that the autopsy was carried out by Dr. Zeid Al-Azza at prince Faisal hospital. According to him the death was caused by severe bleeding , rapture in the uterus and the age of the fetus extracted from the girl's viscera was 5 months.

In a subsequent development of the case, the grand criminal prosecutor charged the murder, rape and abortions to the father. He also decided to detain the accused father for 15 days at the Juweidah reform and rehabilitation centre, as the girl's father faces charges, punishable by death or hard labor, in accordance with the conviction of the court and the conclusions of the case, if convicted on all charges.


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