Movie inspired by the story of Cain and Able

"East of Eden" is an adaptation of the novel of the same name written by John Steinbeck and released three years before the movie. The novel represents Steinbeck's take on the classic Cain and Able story- the first sibling competition, so the film follows the same pattern.

The story takes place in 1917,in Monterrey, California. Cal Trask is the younger brother who seeks his father's love. His father Adam Trask is a farmer that favours his brother Aron. The two brothers believe that their mother died when their were children. One day, Cal discovered that his mother Kate is still alive and is the owner of a brothel in the nearby Salinas. However, he keeps his discovery as a secret and doe snot tell his brother and father.

When Adam decided to invest in the transportation of the frozen lettuce, there was a problem in the railroad and he lost all his money. Cal contacted Kate and borrow five thousands from her to support his father and gain his love. Meanwhile Cal also falls in love with Aron's girl friend Abra. Cal Succeeded in his business and made a party to his father to give him the money as a birthday gift. Adam and Aron's reactions trigger a series of incidents with a tragic consequences.

This movie is fairly faithful to the novel and brings forward new superstar who is James Dean. Moreover, "East of Eden" is a rough modern retelling to the biblical tale Cain and Able. Cal is Cain and Aron is Able. Their father Adam is religious and favours Aron. Therefore Cal is something of hoodlum when the film begins, as he is irreverence and he used to run away from things. We see him being combatant , self destructive and he preferred to love his brother's beloved. Aron in contrast, seems decorous and easy going.


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