Lust For Killing

Pre-meditated serial murder is the choice of very few, but is it really a choice ? Is all the murderers are aware of what they are doing ? This is the question !  Some researchers have suggested that criminal behaviour and the act of serial murder could in fact be a result of addictive thinking,  in addition to the substances  addicted like alcohol and drugs.

As a society, we assume individuals who commit brutal murders must be insane, mentally ill that even they are not fully control of their actions and that they need help.This however is not always the case. There are many examples of individuals and couples who have chosen to kill, often repeatedly, because they wanted to, like Ted Bundy an American serial killer and rapist he was one of the most notorious criminals of the late 20th century, Karla Homolka a Canadian serial killer and her husband  Paul Bernardo who raped and killed at least three young women. 

Addictive Thinking And Crimes:

Repeated criminal offences may be due to finding the feelings and emotions gained from this behaviour addictive, and therefore repeatedly returning to this pattern. Moreover, those who tried to set a battle against alcohols and carving to resist them are susceptible to commit such crimes. Also, Abusers of substances often appear to show little interest in the consequences of their abuse as they are too caught up by the effect of the substance.  

Furthermore for some, even though they are aware of that effect on them , they continue to  use those substances . Equally some criminals show a similar disregard for the effects of their criminal behaviour and the consequences for themselves should they be caught.

Some enjoy the chase, the thrill of committing an act they know they are not supposed to and getting away with it. The case of  Dr Harold Shipman, who murdered up to 250 of his patients between 1975 and 1998 is one example and has been reviewed by a number of researchers who have referred to his ‘addiction to killing‘.

Crime and the Addiction Cycle:

Serial murder is a continuation, a progression which few of us understand.  Addiction is a complex issue encompassing both physiological and psychological factors.  Every person is different and while there may be common characteristics within addiction across substances or activities, each individual experience will be personal to them.

Committing criminal acts and serial murder does not cost money. It does not require a constant stream of funds to allow it to continue in that way that gambling and substance misuse requires. People can engage in such behaviour without losing their jobs, their house and their relationships as long as they don’t get caught. This may be part of the attraction. Getting away with it, not being caught and being able to continue with normal everyday routines.


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