The Incest of Karmoz

"Saad Iskandar Abdel Masih" or, as is well known, "The incest of Karmouz" that handsome young man with his attractive personality whom no one expected that this person could be the most terrifying criminal in Alexandria. Saad was working with his brother in a small spinning and weaving factory owned by the older brother, and he knew a rich widow there, and they had an affair. After she has given him everything she owned, and entrusted him to the place of the funds that she owned, he stabbed her several times  from the back during their affair and she died at once. He stole all her money and fled to Alexandria and this was the first crime for "The incest of Karmouz".   
Later, Saad Iskandar hired a small cotton and textile yarn store in one of Karmouz's neighbourhood which he later turned it into a cemetery for some of his poor victims which most of them are girls that fall in love with his prettiness. After a number of incidents, the police noticed the disappearance of  girls at a rate of one girl every four or five days. without any clue whether they are dead or alive, which raised the subject of the public opinion and the horror spread for months in the neighbourhood of Karmouz. The incest started to come out in public and spread terror in early September 1948 in the neighbourhood of "Gabriel". The handsome criminal spent his evening with a girl called Fatima, who used to visit her house because she knew the art of love and he was having love affairs with her. Fatima told her neighbours that Saad is her brother as not to make people angry with her. On one evening, Saad knew from Fatima  that the house next to her was inhabited by "Mrs. Bamba", an old woman in her 90s, who lived alone and her condition was very affordable.The next night, Saad Iskandar did not enter the house of Fatima. He entered the house of  Mrs. Bamba and went up to the top floor and knocked on the door. The old woman  opened the door, thinking that one of her sons came to see her. The monster put his hand on her mouth, and dragged her inside and hit her head with a chisel and she screamed loudly so he gave her a second strike, and the head was scattered everywhere. He took the money  and was about to flee. When he opened the door, he found a girl called "Qatqouta" living in the ground floor of the house. “I heard the cry and came to find out why”. She asked him. He replied "She is praying inside." When she crossed the threshold of the door and turned her back to him, He hit her on the head with a dagger. She fell instantly soaked in her blood. The murderer fled without seeing anyone. One of Bambas's sons returned to the house to discover the scattering of his mother's head and found Qatqouta soaked in blood. Qatqouta was taken to the hospital and her life was miraculously restored to tell what happened to the detectives, confirming that she has seen the criminal many times going to Fatima's house and most properly he is her brother. The police brought Fatima's brother but Qatqouta did not recognise him. So, the police questioned Fatima and she told them about Saad Iskandar. The police arrested Saad Iskandar inside his store, and he was sure that no one knows about his crime. He did not know that Qatqouta was still alive, but his lawyer managed to release him temporarily with a financial guarantee because there were no enough evidences. 

Saad Alexander disappeared for two years, until people almost forgot about him. Unfortunately in 1951 Saad Iskandar hired something like cottage on the Mahmudiyah canal to store grain and textile yarns, and unfortunately a cloth merchant wandering with his goods on a wooden cart passes by Saad. The incest called him to enter to show him some textile, he did not know that the devil was behind him when he bent his head to examine the thread or the textile, Saad hit the man with his heavy swivel on his neck, and it was enough to make The head rolled away from the body, and then he buried him in the land of the barn. In November 1951, it was the date of the killer with his last victim, the grain dealer, who was able to escape from him. He was wounded with a bad wound and ran to escape to the unfinished hall outside the barn, but the incest ran after him and killed him. Luckily One of the workers saw what happened. He was lying on a truck passing by the barge at the time. He told the police what he had seen. The police rushed to the place. They found the victim lying in the ground.The incest disappeared, and the police found a strange hole in the ground. When he dug that hole they found a rotting corpse and human bones. From that moment , the press dubbed him a "serial killer" and he occupied all the headlines in newspapers and magazines.

  After exposing the command of the killer, Saad Iskandar thought to return to his country, to hide there from the eyes of the police, but God's will was waiting for him. On the outskirts of his hometown Assiut was a police ambush headed by lieutenant "Fakhri Abdul Malik". The lieutenant stopped the bus with the passengers who include «Saad Iskandar», The lieutenant recognised him after staring at him for a while and he arrested him. 

 On Sunday, February 25, 1953, the accused "Saad Iskandar" entered the death chamber in Hadara prison in Alexandria to appear before the committee to implement sentences that will execute the sentence minutes later,  Saad Iskandar in the death chamber strayed , He imagines the gallows around his neck or maybe he is regretful. He whispered in the ear of his guard that he was the victim of three women who entered his life, in addition to his family that was so easy with him. When asked if he wanted anything before the execution, he answered: "A glass of water and a cigarette."                                                                    


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