Women's Thugs

We hear everyday about women have been killed, raped or strangled in brutal ways  and we do not  know why ! and whether the killer has a reason for killing them or he just has passion for doing so. I have been searching in this topic and I found that there are several reasons that the rate of killing a woman is bigger than that of killing a man, or in other words we hear more about crimes and violence against women more than men. There are three categories of women's murderers which are: 

Intimate Partner Murder:
The intimate partner murders were some of the most intentional killers. Many have problems with their childhoods and adulthood, a lot are addicted to alcohol and other staff and also may be they are unemployed. But there are a proportion who didn't have any convictions, or alcohol issues, and were regularly employed. These men have a sense of possession towards their partner. Whether she's from a higher class unlike him, or she is from a middle or working class and cannot bare him anymore so she left him. These murderers do not end at killing the woman only but also her child, friend , relatives, a new boyfriend or husband or anyone stand at her side. This is of course out of this sense of possessiveness that he feels that this woman is only mine and whether she is with me or no one alive will have it. 

The majority of cases is because of sexual jealousy. Either the woman find another man or she had enough of him. 65 percent of the men have previously used violence on their partners or after they'd left. What generally happens is he wants the woman and thinks she's his, so he tries to get her back. Often, he tries to beat her up and when they realizes that she will not come back they decide to annihilating her. 

Sexual Murder: 

Sexual murderers are generally, but not always, carried out by sexual predators. In the majority of cases, what happens in sexual murders is that the murderer is doing his usual thing, either he jumps on the woman by force in an isolated area, or he sees her across the road and drag her to an isolated place where no one could save her and tries to rape her, and she resists. He then carries out a very vicious assault, often by strangulation, hitting, kicking and punching her.

There's a belief that drugs and alcohols are a factor in homicides, , With sexual murders, often these guys are at the pub, decide they want a woman, find a woman walking home from work or the pub "prostitute" and go after her. 

The Murder Of Older Women 

The murders of older women, 40 percent of them were strangers who had seen her around and knew she was living on her own or that she is a wealthy old lady . Others were neighbours, friends, and relatives. Often, these guys targeted older women because they are weak. Half of them committed a sexual murder on a woman over 65. The sexual murders of the ageing ladies targeted women over 80 !! . Often the man broke into her house with the intention of robbing and raping her, she tried to resist and he became violent till he kills her. Only a few had the intention of committing an assault, but then they don't think consequentially and smash her to death. The thieves were often substance abusers, unlike the others. Murders of older women only make up around six percent of homicides, but this could grow with the aging population.


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