Story Similar To Cain and Able ( Romulus and Remus)

Romulus and Remus is a legend similar to the story of Cain and Able. They were twin boys born to a princess called Rhia Silvia and their father was Mars "the god of war". Their father was afraid that when they became adults they would take his thrown, so he put them in basket in the river believing that they would die soon. They then were discovered by a she wolf which raised them for a short time before they were found by shepherd who raised them as his children. When the two boys became adults and they knew their story, they decided to search for the place where the wolf raised them. When they founded it the two brothers quarrelled over where the site of the city should be. They then waited for a sign from God about which one of them is right. God then sent a sign that Remus is the right one and he then started to build a wall in the place he had chosen. Romulus became very angry and he started to make fun of his brother's wall and then he killed his brother Remus and continue on building the city and he named it after his name which is Rome. The date giving for the founding of Rome is 753 BC. Of course this story is only a legend and it is similar to the story of Cain and Able as the reason behind the crime is the hate and jealousy. 


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